Terán: The generation of the 80s saw the light of day when Commander Hugo Chávez refounded the Republic


Published at: 16/03/2024 02:23 PM
The leader of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Alejandro Terán, stressed that he belongs to the last generation that the fourth Republic was born and experienced, “in its most aggressive and neoliberal part.”
He argued that it was a generation that had “a sad adolescence, with hopelessness, but thank God, we were the generation that saw the light, because the phase of the refounding of the Republic arrived, with the Giant Hugo Chávez in 1998.”
“A generation that was born in the 80s, whose birth was marked by the economic debacle of 1983, badly called by history: Black Friday, which was the great scam of the oligarchies in the country, who devalued the currency, having privileged information to make the rich richer and that the poor who had a few savings, would disappear from one day to the next,” he emphasized.
He made the statement during his participation in the event held at the Caracas Polyhedron, where he led the holding of the V Congress of the PSUV and the IV Youth Congress (JPSUV ), for the acceptance of his candidacy for the 2024 Presidential Election.
“Our generation lived its childhood in the midst of an unimaginable social crisis of hunger, inequality and profound asymmetries, which broke out in 1989, on February 27 and 28,” he emphasized.
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