

Tellechea: PDVSA has enough production to meet the demand for fuel on a national scale

During the Conference at Expo Fedeindustria 2024, we highlighted the achievements in the recovery of the PDVSA production chain

Published at: 25/05/2024 02:19 PM

This Friday, during a press conference during his visit and tour of the Fedeindustria 2024 Expo, Pedro Rafael Tellechea, the minister of the People's Power of Petroleum and president of Petrleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA), denied information about an alleged increase in the price of gasoline for the coming days in the country.

The minister said: “PDVSA has enough production to meet the demand for fuel at the national level and we don't have any risk situations. Some specialists called influencers lied to the population saying that in the coming days we would increase gasoline to 0.8 dollars per liter, today I publicly deny them. It is one more of the lies and psychology with which they treat the Venezuelan people. Don't get carried away by these people who often only offer bad information.”

On the other hand, the minister stressed that the new service stations have just been evaluated and will be some of the most modern in the region. “In the coming days, I will call for them to evaluate and observe the payment method in these new

Referring to the issue of coercive sanctions and so-called licenses, the Minister said: “We continue to move forward and market with our own efforts. The licenses were another deception against the Venezuelan people. They reached agreements that were never fulfilled, while Venezuela did comply one hundred percent with each of the agreed points.”

In this regard, Tellechea emphasized: “We don't need licenses to continue producing, we have the example in Russia and Iran, which are sanctioned countries but in full growth in the oil area, in the same way we are going to continue to grow and we are going to prove it to them. Some companies that want to work in Venezuela are those that need a license, we Venezuelans don't.”

Finally, the president of PDVSA reported that there are more than 20 companies waiting for approval to come to work in the country: “President Nicolás Maduro Moros has opened all doors so that companies that want to work in Venezuela can do so without any inconvenience, but we are not going to be guided by whether or not they have licenses because Venezuela doesn't need them.”