

Tarek William Saab: 412 former prosecutors have been charged and convicted for acts of corruption

Tarek William Saab, Attorney General of the Republic
Photo: Screenshot

Published at: 26/01/2024 01:32 PM

Since 2017 and to date, a total of 412 former prosecutors, former directors and former senior prosecutors have been convicted, charged or given precautionary measures for being involved in various acts of corruption, reported the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab.

“I insist, here in the Public Ministry (MP) we have a majority of officials who take risks and we recognize them. That minority cannot be here or in any State institution,” emphasized the head of the MP during a press conference held this Friday.

In this regard, during the appearance before the press, he presented details about the arrest of former public defender Adys Salcedo and the former prosecutor, Renny Amundaraín, for their association with Structured Organized Crime Groups (GEDO).

In his appearance, he presented audios and images of how these legal professionals received more than 360,000 dollars to manage the granting of procedural benefits to relatives of a negative leader of these GEDOs who were detained for being involved in various crimes.

“These people pretended that, upon receiving this money, family members linked to the Aragua Train would receive some kind of benefits, however the detained former prosecutor knew that he could not give the procedural benefit because he knew he would go to jail,” he stressed, while assuring that he wanted to “be more criminal than the criminals.”

He also explained that for this same case, the arrest warrant against Emily Pacheco, former director of Public Defense Audit, must be executed.

In the same way, he indicated that these individuals were arrested after an investigation began for an anonymous complaint that he received in his office. He explained that he received the message in a sealed envelope, in which there was a series of evidence against these former officials.

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