

Tania Bunke: Anti-imperialist Warrior Who Lives in the Heart of Peoples (+seeding)

Born in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina on November 19, 1937
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Published at: 31/08/2024 08:03 AM

On August 31, 1967, Haydée Tamara Bunke Bider, who under the pseudonym “Tania”, was in the battle fought by the guerrilla front led by Commander Ernesto “Che” Guevara in the mountains of Bolivia, with the anti-guerrilla forces that were led by the CIA and the United States Department of State.

Born in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina on November 19, 1937, this invaluable fighter from a very young age stood out for her rebellious spirit and her work for the causes of the humblest.

Because her father was of German origin and her mother was Polish, with the arrival of socialism in Germany, the Bunke Bider family moved to this country with the young Tamara, who was immediately incorporated into the Unified Socialist Party of Germany, where she was trained to fight.

His incorporation into the guerrilla struggle is due to a trip he made to Cuba as part of the German National Ballet, where he met Commander Guevara and where he decided to stay to study journalism at the University of Havana.

When Che leaves for the mountains of Bolivia, Tamara is sent commissioned to carry out espionage tasks in the Bolivian government, until there is certainty that she has been discovered, so she is incorporated into the armed struggle in the mountains of Bolivia, where she dies in the midst of the combat that took place in the ambush carried out by the guerrilla fighters in the Bolivian Rio Grande.

Today, the peoples of the world raise the flags of Tania to, with their rebellion and demonstrated courage, continue to fight against imperialism until they win.

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