

TÁCHIRA/Freddy Bernal: We made the oligarchy eat the dust of the defeat

Great March of January 23 “so that the People may never be betrayed again”
Con el Mazo Dando

Published at: 23/01/2024 04:06 PM

The governor of the state of Táchira, Freddy Bernal, recalled this Tuesday the victory of the Venezuelan people in the face of the fascist aggressions promoted by North American imperialism since 2014, with the support of its lackeys of the national right, against the stability and peace of the Fatherland.

In a speech with President Nicolás Maduro, at the beginning of the Caravan for Peace that started from the Andean entity, Bernal stressed that the People took to “the streets to reaffirm peace, sovereignty, trust and prosperity, which only guarantees a revolutionary government”.

He stressed that Táchira is an “expression of what violence is” of the right, so he recalled that, between 2014 and 2017, they set fire to the state, “the traffic lights started, public squares were burned, the Experimental University of Táchira was set on fire and plunged us into violence and deep hatred.”

He also recalled the attempted invasion launched from Colombia in 2019, which supported the fictitious interim of Juan Guaidó, and “they sat there waiting for a civil war to start here and transform Venezuela into an Iraq or a Libya, but thanks to this people, who are here accompanied by the people of Merida, by the Zulians and also by the people of Caracas (...) we made them eat the dust of the defeat of the Colombian oligarchy”.

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