

TÁCHIRA/Cabello to the conspirators: Now it's their turn to see the Bolivarian Fury counterattack!

Caravan of Peace in Táchira
Photo With the Dando Mazo

Published at: 23/01/2024 04:01 PM

This Tuesday, January 23, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, assured that the conspirators now have to see the counterattack of the Bolivarian Fury.

“Now it's our turn, now they're going to see that the green cambur does stain, now they're going to see what it's like, it's up to the counterattack of the Bolivarian Fury,” said Cabello from the Peace Caravan in Táchira, recalling the recent acts of conspiracy that the right wing intended to activate from San Cristóbal.

In this regard, the revolutionary leader stressed that the Bolivarian Fury will come out “from San Cristóbal joining historic dates from January 23 to February 4, the Day of Dignity, and to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the arrival to the presidency of the Republic of our beloved Commander Hugo Chávez.”

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