

TÁCHIRA - SAN CRISTÓBAL//Candidate Maduro highlights the importance of the Andean people in economic recovery

President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro
Presidential Press

Published at: 10/07/2024 04:50 PM

The candidate of the Venezuelan revolutionary forces, Nicolás Maduro, exalted this Wednesday the importance of the People of the Andes in overcoming the brutal economic war imposed by North American imperialism and its internal and external allies.

From San Cristóbal, in a massive mobilization in support of the Bolivarian Revolution ahead of the presidential elections on July 28, the Bolivarian leader recalled that, “when the economic war lasted the hardest, thanks to the producers, farmers, ranchers and peasants of Táchira, production and food began to arrive in the west of the country for you.”

“If it hadn't been for Táchira and the Andes, it would have been very difficult to overcome that economic war. Do you remember that the shortage reached 80%? And who created the CLAP and defeated the shortage with domestic production? Who has stood by the People through thick and thin?” , asked candidate Maduro, to which the Pueblo answered: Nicolás.

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