

System of Missions and Great Missions brought a comprehensive day of care to the Guaribe municipality

Office of the Presidency of the Republic held a comprehensive day of care for the people in Guaribe

Published at: 29/01/2024 05:10 PM

The Bolivarian Government, through the Office of the Presidency, the National Council for People with Disabilities (CONAPDIS), the “José Gregorio Hernández” Mission Foundation and the Missions and Great Missions System, developed a Comprehensive Day of Social Health Care within the framework of the Plan of Love in Action, from the Municipality of San José de Guaribe, Guárico state, to benefit local families.

During the deployment, there were general medicine services, disability certification, delivery of revolutionary technical aids, Punto Patria, comprehensive care for all age groups in the municipality by the National Institute of Nutrition, veterinary care for pets through Misión Nevado, and various activities related to the Missions and Great Missions System.

The activity included entertainment for boys and girls with recreational games and face painting by the People's Guard, in addition to the outstanding cultural performance of the National System of Orchestras and Cultural Mission.

The purpose of this plan is to guarantee the fundamental rights of the Venezuelan people. In this context, sociologist Soraida Ramírez, president of the José Gregorio Hernández Mission Foundation, said that “Guaribe today becomes the social capital of Guárico because we have arrived to guarantee the supreme happiness of the people. It has been an orientation of our President Nicolás Maduro and, within the framework of the 7 Transformations, we will continue to respond”

In turn, Julio Yanez, mayor of the Guaribe Municipality, said he was proud and excited to receive the entire Social Area team. “It is an honor for San José de Guaribe, for “El David de Guárico” to receive this tremendous team that comes to reaffirm the dream of the giant (Hugo) Chávez: to reach every corner of this blessed land to guarantee the greatest possible amount of happiness. All we have to do is tell them that love with love pays off. Thank you President Nicolás Maduro, thank you Governor José Vásquez, thank the Bolivarian Government for this gesture of love for Guaribe.”

The activity was also accompanied by different regional and national authorities who highlighted the efforts that President Nicolás Maduro has been making with this Plan of Love in Action, which is carried out at the national level with all the love, effort and dedication of a government that does not leave its people alone.