Syria receives humanitarian aid sent by the United Arab Emirates and Pakistan

Syria has received refugees from Lebanon after being forced to leave their homes Syria has received refugees from Lebanon after being forced to leave their homes
Syria has received refugees from Lebanon after being forced to leave their homes
Photo: Internet

Con El Mazo Dando en su programa 500

Published at: 17/11/2024 01:24 PM

This Sunday, two aircraft from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Pakistan landed at Damascus International Airport loaded with humanitarian assistance for refugees who left Lebanon and arrived in Syria.

Prensa Latina explained that the plane is the fifth to arrive from the UAE, as a continuation of its efforts to help displaced Lebanese and Syrians, news reports highlighted.

The 20-ton aid, including medicines, medical supplies and personal items, will be distributed by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, the Emirates Red Crescent and the Supreme Relief Committee.

The contribution of the Emirati campaign to help those arriving from Lebanon to Syrian territory exceeded 245 tons, of food baskets, winter clothes, basic necessities and medical supplies.

The Pakistani plane loaded with aid landed this Sunday in the capital and is the first offered by the Government of the Central Asian nation.

Syria received refugees after being forced to leave their homes due to Israeli aggressions against Lebanon, it amounted to almost half a million, according to recent data announced by the Department of Emigration and Passport of this country

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