

Survey reveals that 54% of Argentines believe that the country is going the wrong way since the arrival of Milei

Javier Milei advances in the application of neoliberal measures in Argentina
Photo: Internet

Published at: 28/01/2024 11:20 PM

54% of Argentine citizens feel that the country is going in the wrong direction since the libertarian Javier Milei took office, a statistical study by the political opinion consultancy Zuban-Córdova revealed.

According to the study released by the Sputnik agency, 52.8% of Argentines consulted totally disapprove of the current Government, which took office in December 2023 and from the beginning sought to implement policies of economic deregulation and privatization, which has generated popular and union mobilizations in different parts of the South American country.

In addition, Zuban-Córdova revealed that 55.2% of respondents have a negative image of Milei, while 54.4% consider that Argentina is going in the wrong direction since the libertarian took over the Casa Rosada.

The analysis also revealed that 57.1% of the people consulted assess that the Argentine economy will be bad or just as bad within a year.

The document presented by Zuban-Córdova is entitled National Report January 2024: The Limits of Consensus, to explore how citizens perceive the first almost two months of the Argentine president. The results were derived from the application of a structured questionnaire to 1,500 Argentines between January 25 and 26, 2024.

Mazo News Team/SPUTNIK