

Supreme Court ratified the disqualification of María Corina Machado for 15 years because of serious crimes

The Supreme Court ratifies the constitutionality of Article 105 of the Organic Law of the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic

Published at: 26/01/2024 06:23 PM

The Political Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TS), ratified this Friday, January 26, the disqualification of María Corina Machado, from holding public office for 15 years, for committing serious crimes against the nation.

In the ruling issued by the Supreme Court, it ratifies the constitutionality of Article 105 of the Organic Law of the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic and, consequently, the Comptroller General of the Republic is empowered to establish disqualification sanctions.

In this regard, the document states that “the citizen María Corina Machado Parisca, in accordance with Resolution No. 01-00-0000285 dated September 16, 2021, is disqualified for fifteen (15) years because she was a participant in the corruption scheme orchestrated by the usurper Juan G. Antonio Guaidó M., who led to the criminal blockade of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, as well as the shameless dispossession of the companies and wealth of the Venezuelan people abroad, with the complicity of corrupt governments, including stand out the delivery of the company CITGO HOLDING, INC and CITGO PETROLEUM CORPORATION”.

The highest court also points out that Machado Parisca “has requested the application of sanctions and economic blockade that caused damage to Venezuelan health, (...) It also makes it impossible to buy antiretroviral drugs to guarantee treatment for more than 60,000 HIV-AIDS patients, and that it includes vaccines for children and adolescents (...). (...) it has not allowed about 300,000 doses of insulin to reach the country”.

“Likewise, this citizen failed to comply with the provisions established in article 191 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which states that deputies to the National Assembly may not accept or hold public office without losing their office, except in teaching, academic, accidental or assistance activities, provided that they do not involve exclusive dedication, since she accepted accreditation as alternate representative of the delegation of the Republic of Panama to the Organization of States Americans (OAS) as of March 20, 2014, thus losing the inauguration of Deputy of the National Assembly.”

It also highlights that “consequently, given that this request does not meet the requirements established and required in the Barbados Agreement signed on October 17, 2023, the citizen MARÍA CORINA MACHADO PARISCA, is DISQUALIFIED from exercising public functions for a period of fifteen (15) years, in accordance with Resolution number 01-00-000285, dated September 16, 2021, issued by the OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE REPUBLIC, an investigation that was initiated in May 2014 and where precautionary measures were taken. Without prejudice to any criminal and pecuniary actions that their actions may give rise to”.

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