

SUCRE/Town of Marigüitar flooded the streets with love and revolutionary energy (+photos)

March in support of President Nicolás Maduro and against sanctions in Sucre
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 03/05/2024 11:54 AM

This Friday, May 3rd, the People of Marigüitar took to the streets in Sucre state with great strength and energy charged with love for the Fatherland, in support of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, and to raise their voices against sanctions and the blockade imposed by the United States.

The activity was led by the first vice-president of the PSUV, Diosdado Cabello, who emphasized that this town is under President Nicolás Maduro and remains loyal to the Bolivarian Revolution and to the path traced by Commander Hugo Chávez.

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