

SUCRE/Diosdado Cabello: We are street people! With Chávez and Maduro on the streets!

March in support of President Nicolás Maduro and against sanctions in Sucre
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 03/05/2024 10:59 AM

This Friday, May 03, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, stressed that Chavism is street music and that is why it is deployed throughout the country, reaffirming that the streets belong to the people.

“What a crowd boy! (...) We are street people, what they have us is stuck in the house; that's why we say that with Chávez and Maduro for the streets,” said Cabello d during the march in rejection of sanctions and in support of President Nicolás Maduro in the Bolivar municipality of Sucre state.

He also highlighted the beauty of the activity next to the town of Marigüitar. “What an extraordinary choice to have come here,” he said, while sending a supportive and revolutionary greeting to President Nicolás Maduro.

On the other hand, he questioned the statements of the Venezuelan right, who claim that he is persecuting La Sayona. “You'll have to fly by here on your broom, but not here, right? , because they say that I am chasing her. May God take care of me, protect me and favor me!” , he said.

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