

SUCRE - SUCRE/Candidate Maduro on the right: They are hate, harm and deception

Homeland Candidate, Nicolás Maduro
Presidential Press

Published at: 09/07/2024 07:53 PM

The candidate of the Venezuelan revolutionary forces, Nicolás Maduro, called on the opposition militancy this Tuesday to open their eyes and not let the right continue to deceive them in the face of the presidential elections on July 28.

“What we are is a beautiful family, full of love for our country and for the future to which we are entitled. Anyone who doubts should open their eyes and open them well,” said the Bolivarian leader from the state of Sucre, where he was greeted by a crowd of patriotic people.

He pointed out that the leaders of the right are “hate, harm and deception. Out of hate they asked for sanctions against the economy and the country, then the deception came, they took 99% of our income from the country and then they came to say the fault of Maduro, the fault of the Revolution.”

In this regard, he recalled the terrorist actions to destabilize the country, the attacks on the electrical system, against the economy, the guarimbas, the theft of Venezuelan assets abroad, as well as the deception of Juan Guaidó's fictional interim.

“And now they intend harm and deception again, but I tell them as the town's singer said: it's coming, the day of divine and earthly justice is coming because on July 28 we are going to collect all the bills from that extremist right that has done so much damage every year,” said the Homeland candidate.

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