

Sucre Governorate cleans dams and streams

Prevention in the face of the approach of the rainy season
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 06/05/2024 04:00 PM

The government of the state of Sucre , through the Brigades of the Autonomous Institute of Public Services of the entity (INASERVIP), began the maintenance, weeding and clearing of the La Gran Sabana channel, located in Cumaná. This is the implementation of the plan for cleaning canals and streams in the Sucrense entity.

Information from the regional authority indicates that more than 480 families living near the riverbed will be favored with this action, whose fundamental objective is to mitigate the flood rate during the coming rainy season.

The said channel crosses more than five communities, which remain alert to the arrival of rains, so these measures will be for your complete well-being.

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