

SUCRE - CUMANÁ/Rodríguez: The People Will Not Let Surnames Give Their Homeland to the Yankees

Mobilization in support of President Nicolás Maduro in Cumaná, Sucre state

Published at: 25/05/2024 05:13 PM

This Saturday, during a march in support of President Nicolás Maduro in Sucre state, the campaign manager, Jorge Rodríguez, assured that Venezuelans will give a strong response to the oligarchy and the North American empire.

“This town, son of Grand Marshal Antonio José de Sucre, is a courageous and victorious people, they will not let those dragged on the right hand over their homeland to the Yankees,” he said.

He stressed that President Nicolás Maduro represents the loyalty of Supreme Commander Hugo Chávez and that together with his people he will defeat his last names once again in the next elections .

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