

SUCRE - CUMANÁ//President Maduro: On June 9, a 1x10 territorial simulation will be held in the country

Mobilization in support of President Nicolás Maduro in Cumaná, Sucre state

Published at: 25/05/2024 05:01 PM

Through a telephone contact with the march in support of him held in Cumaná, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced that a 1x10 territorial simulation will take place on June 9.

In this regard, in his telephone call during the march in support of his candidacy in the state of Sucre, he urged the People to be active and organized in defense of the Homeland.

“Organization to win stability and peace with pulse and effort, we are going to recover all the social programs left by Commander Hugo Chávez,” he said, while assuring that “we are going to conquer our right to the future with sanctions or without sanctions.”

He highlighted the courage of the people of Sucre, who will win a resounding victory on July 28.

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