

Success! 600,000 spectators enjoyed the FITPV

Venezuela International Progressive Theater Festival

Published at: 01/04/2024 10:26 AM

The third International Progressive Theater Festival of Venezuela (FITPV) closed successfully and managed to count on the visit of 600,000 spectators for 10 days, during which it presented plays, talks and other special activities on different axes and themes throughout the country.

This was announced by the Minister of Popular Power for Culture, Ernesto Villegas, who specified that all the functions scheduled for this festival were 100% fulfilled.

At the same time, according to information from the Ministry for Culture, he indicated that, compared to the 2023 edition, 2,114 artists participated this year, compared to 852 in the last edition; 335 theater groups with 335 plays and 814 performances in the 23 states of the country and Caracas, but 384 community shows were also held, in relation to the 128 groups, 130 plays, 343 performances and three street and community shows of the second festival.

He highlighted that in this edition, 80% of the theaters and special events were filled, more than 200,000 interactions were recorded on social networks, and more than 1 thousand information coverage including interviews, news, live broadcasts, and reports on social networks from national and international media. As well as some 9,800 photographic and video records, and at least 150 videos generated for social networks and 12 complete recorded works.

“With this third International Theater Festival, Venezuela shows an artistic cultural muscle that you have to be very petty to ignore. Here there is an army of men and women dedicated to the Venezuelan performing arts who can make them invisible, they can criticize them, they can have whatever opinion they want about them, but they exist, they are flesh and blood and in these 10 days they have taken a step forward and have said here we are, we exist and we make ourselves respected with our art”, emphasized Villegas.

For this reason, he extended his gratitude to the artists who gave life to the third edition of the FITPV. “Thank you for existing, thank you for your loyalty, thank you for belonging to the Venezuelan affirmative,” he said.

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