

Students from the Universidad Popular del Ambiente join the Ruta de la Seed

The technicians of the Ciara Foundation gave a talk on how to sow from Los Hogares

Published at: 04/06/2024 08:30 PM

The Seed Route arrived at the facilities of the Popular University of the Environment “Fruto Vivas” (UPAFV), in connection with World Environment Day and the seventh anniversary of the aforementioned house of studies, in order to achieve a rapprochement with the population and encourage them to practice Urban Agriculture.

During the activity, Jhoanna Carrillo, Minister of the People's Power of Urban Agriculture, stated that “agriculture is a sustainable practice, friendly to our environment”, at the same time she emphasized that the Seed Route will reach every corner of the country, “with the support of our technicians, each family can grow their own food very easily”.

Carrillo , specified that, within the framework of World Environment Day, “it is everyone's task to take care of our environment, our home and what better way than planting, planting, so that our food is healthy, tasty, safe and sovereign, as our president Nicolás Maduro says.”

For his part, Josué Lorca, Minister for Ecosocialism, visited the stand of The Seed Route where he received technical information from the staff of the Urban Agriculture Documentation and Information Center (CENIDAU). “I congratulate this initiative of the MINPPAU to strengthen food sovereignty, from home, we can all produce, have a plant that can feed us and in turn produce oxygen, thus contributing to our environment.”

In addition, Juan Manuel Parra, rector of the UPAFV, thanked the institutions that join the anniversary of this house of studies, since “it allows us to spread the protection of the environment, with the way in which a healthier life is possible through our food free of pesticides”.

He asserted that, large tracts of land are not needed to cultivate a plant, “we can sow from our balconies, which will allow us to preserve our environment, providing productive and beautiful experiences for our generation and future.”

Jennifer Blanco, a student at the Universidad del Ambiente, expressed her satisfaction with the initiative within the school. “The technicians from the Ciara Foundation gave us a talk on how to plant from our homes, and they gave us a tomato and coriander seed to start this beautiful family experience.”

Esther Marrero, a student at the University of the Environment, added that “we all have the capacity to plant our food, in a healthy, sovereign, safe and of course tasty way, to transmit these experiences to our future generations and to raise awareness in the population that yes we can, yes we can guarantee our self-sustenance. As a citizen, I will replicate this information in my community because we can all produce,” she concluded

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