

Special Commission of the AN approved proposal for the Constitution of the Guayana Esequiba state

We will open for consultation the bases for the draft constitution of the state of Guiana Esequiba,” said Escarrà.

Published at: 24/09/2024 05:26 PM

The president of the Special Commission for the Defense of the Territory of Guiana Esequiba and Territorial Sovereignty, deputy Hermann Escarrà, reported that this parliamentary body approved the proposal for the Constitution of the Guayana Esequiba state.

He stated that the Constitution of the Guayana Esequiba state is not comparable to the rest of the Constitutions of the states that make up the Federation of Venezuela.

He reported that this proposal will be submitted to the National Parliament in this last parliamentary term, which ends on December 15. “Of course, we will open up for consultation the bases for the draft constitution of the state of Guiana Essequiba,” he said.

“We are probably discussing the most important Constitution of the Republic, after the Constitution of 1811. The act that we are going to verify now is a historic act, of historical significance,” he said.

He explained that this law is an initiative of the National Executive that has its origin in a referendum and was unanimously approved by the Assembly.

Escarrà specified that article 10 of the Law for the Defense of the Essequibo states that the new Essequibo state will have the same territory as Guiana Essequiba, comprised on the north the Atlantic Ocean, on the south the Federative Republic of Brazil, on the east the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and on the west the states Delta Amacuro and Bolívar.

He pointed out that the new state has international significance. “It's a state that needs to take the utmost care of public international law. It is a state that vindicates, in an act of heroism, courage, sovereignty, the people of Venezuela and the re-elected president Nicolás Maduro Moros,” he said.

He also pointed out that to protect sovereignty, the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) is deployed in this territory. “The Armed Forces University already has a structure in that area,” he added.

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