

South Africa commemorates Freedom Day with a floral offering to the Liberator Simon Bolivar

Floral offering before the Liberator's sarcophagus

Published at: 30/04/2024 03:20 PM

On the occasion of commemorating the Day of Freedom of the African nation, the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa in Venezuela held a wreath ceremony this Tuesday before the sarcophagus where the mortal remains of the Liberator Simon Bolivar rest, in the National Pantheon, in Caracas.

The protocol ceremony was chaired by the ambassador of the African nation, Lindiwe Michelle Maseko; the Deputy Minister for Africa of the Ministry of People's Power for Foreign Affairs, Yuri Pimentel; and the Ombudsman, Alfredo Ruiz, in the company of representatives of the Diplomatic Corps accredited in the country.

Every April 27, South Africa commemorates Freedom Day because on this date in 1994 the first non-racial democratic elections were held in the country, after the fall of the Apartheid regime, a discriminatory political system implanted in the African nation.

Since then, a Constitution has been adopted that guarantees the rights of all South Africans, regardless of their race, religion, gender or sexuality.