

So far in 2024, the FANB has disabled 70 clandestine tracks in the country

The FANB works to guarantee the security and defense of our nation
Photo: @Dhernandezlarez

Published at: 04/06/2024 08:59 AM

So far in 2024, the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) has detected and disabled more than 70 clandestine airstrips, said the strategic operational commander of the FANB, G/J Domingo Hernández Lárez.

Through a message posted on his X account, he explained that the above-mentioned clues are used by criminal groups linked to the Colombian Armed Terrorist Drug Trafficking Organizations (TANCOL) to traffic drugs produced in the neighboring country.

“The FANB remains constantly alert in airfield surveys to neutralize constant and sustained attempts to repair and use hostile aircraft that violate Venezuelan aerospace for terrorist purposes. Venezuela is a territory of peace, democracy, law and justice that fights constantly and head-on against the global scourge of drug trafficking,” said the senior military official.

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