Simón Bolívar: The greatest exponent of the struggle for independence and Latin American union (+seeding)

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Published at: 17/12/2024 08:11 AM
On December 17, 1830, the Liberator of South America, the most illustrious hero of our continent and our Father of the Fatherland, died: Simon Bolivar.
The Liberator is known worldwide for being the greatest exponent of the struggle for Latin American independence and union, and despite coming from a wealthy family and dedicating his entire life to consolidating the sovereignty of our country and neighboring nations against the Spanish conquerors, he died surrounded by the few faithful followers who witnessed his glory.
After his death in Santa Marta, Colombia, the hero's remains were solemnly placed in the Cathedral of Santa Marta and transferred to the Cathedral of Caracas in 1842, until they were finally deposited in the National Pantheon in 1876. Despite all the opposition and denial attempts, the example and memory of the Liberator were forever planted in the memory of the Venezuelan people, as symbols and hope for justice and freedom.
With the arrival of Eternal Commander Hugo Chávez to the presidency, Bolívar's legacy was reborn from the laziness in which the governments of the Fourth Republic placed him. Through his policies, he implemented the Bolivarian doctrines that the Liberator himself intended to establish in our nation, renewing the Constitution and the name of our country and thus erecting the Bolivarian Government: cradle of the Revolution in Latin America.
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