

Simon Bolivar School Ship will remain in Honduras until Wednesday

The mothership will continue its journey
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 27/05/2024 04:31 PM

The Simón Bolívar School Ship will be visiting Puerto Cortés, in the Republic of Honduras, until next Wednesday, May 29, as part of its XXXIV Foreign Education Cruise in 2024 .

According to a press release from the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, the “ambassador without borders” arrived in the Central American nation last Saturday, May 25, where he was received by the authorities of Honduras, headed by the Presidential Designate, Renato Florentino. Also present were the Secretary of State in the Office of National Defense, José Manuel Zelaya; the Secretary of State in the Offices of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Eduardo Enrique Reina, together with the ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Margaud Godoy.

At the ceremony, the Medal of Merit award in its First Class was awarded to the commander of the Simón Bolívar School Ship, captain of the ship Ronald José Briceño Huerta, imposed by the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Major General Roosvelth Leonel Hernández Aguilar.

The Venezuelan commander, for his part, presented a plaque of recognition of friendship and fraternity between the peoples of Venezuela and Honduras to the commander of the Honduran Naval Forces, captain of the ship CG Ernesto Antonio Ávila Kattan.

This is the third visit to Puerto Cortés by Buque Escuela, further proof of Venezuela's commitment to regional integration and fraternity.

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