

Sectorial Vice-Presidents follow up on the 1×10 of Good Governance

Council of Sectorial Vice-Presidents
VTV photo

Published at: 03/06/2024 02:28 PM

This Monday, June 3rd, the Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, led the meeting with the Council of Sectorial Vice-Presidents, to follow up and take stock of the cases treated through the 1×10 Good Governance platform.

According to information from Venezolana de Televisión, the meeting also followed up on the 4,500 cases and projects prioritized by the People's Power during the Popular Consultation on April 21.

In addition, the day saw the progress of the works carried out through the Federal Government Council, according to the economic activities of each region of the country.

Let us remember that the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, set as a goal that the 1×10 of Good Governance will reach 95% effectiveness by next July, through a massive deployment of the Bolivarian Government throughout the national territory.

The 1x10 Good Governance System, so far, has already managed to deal with four million cases.

Mazo News Team