

Sectorial authorities establish strategies to consolidate peace and security in the country

The Venezuelan Security Observatory shows a reduction of 23.7%

Published at: 27/02/2024 05:12 PM

The Ministerial Security Council held a new day, in order to review and establish strategies for the consolidation of peace in the country, an activity that was led by the sectoral vice-president for citizen security and peace, A/J Remigio Ceballos Ichaso, together with authorities from the police forces and the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB).

In this regard, he pointed out through social networks of the Ministry of People's Power for Internal Relations Justice and Peace, that the data obtained from the Venezuelan Security Observatory show a 23.7% reduction in the general crime rate in the country through the action of citizen security bodies compared to 2023.

“I congratulated the work of the women and men who are members of the citizen security bodies, for their participation and deployment in the massive shows held in the city of Caracas over the past month. We are making progress in Comprehensive Prevention for Life and Peace, and the development of the Great Quadrants of Peace Mission, a public security policy of the Venezuelan State and the Bolivarian Government, to consolidate the well-being and tranquility of the people,” he added.

Also during this meeting, he announced that a total of 126,036 people debated seven thousand proposals as part of the third line of the Plan of the Seven Transformations for the year 2030, promoted by the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

In addition, he stressed that the above-mentioned number of participants was part of the 12,759 assemblies held across the country, which in turn presented its proposals for improving the country's Penitentiary System and citizen security.

In the debates, both members of the People's Power and authorities of the Bolivarian Government and officials of the security organs exchanged ideas to evaluate preventive plans that will be reinforced with educational, cultural and sports programs.

Mazo News Team