

Science Mission: 18 Years of Technological Revolution

With this launch, Chávez opened ways to shape in Venezuela a new culture of knowledge placed at the service of the people.

Published at: 19/02/2024 08:08 AM

On February 19, 2006, Commander Hugo Chávez launched the Science Mission during Sunday's Aló Presidente program number 247 from Guayana City, Bolivar State.

“Today, the Science Mission for Venezuela is born and from Venezuela for the world, for the sister peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean (...) The Science Mission covers the entire spectrum, let's say, the entire range of what production is, from the raw material, the primary source, the processing you are doing, the commercialization, added value,” said the Supreme Commander.

With this launch, Chávez opened ways to shape in Venezuela a new culture of knowledge placed at the service of the people.

“Science, technology for life, that is for life, for happiness, the greatest possible happiness,” said the Leader of the Bolivarian Revolution.

With the Science Mission, it was also possible to strengthen cooperation ties with countries such as Iran, India, Russia and China, which led to the signing of agreements to promote technology transfer in the area of telecommunications and the economic development of both nations.

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