

Saab: Justice bodies capture accomplices of detainees linked to the five conspiracies

“Once these captures have materialized, the detainees will be brought before the court in the case,” Saab said.

Published at: 23/01/2024 07:13 PM

The Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, reported that the Auxiliary Organs of Justice have captured and will continue to capture the accomplices of the detainees linked to the five conspiracies unveiled by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, to attack the Venezuelan State and implode citizen peace.

Through his account on the social network X, Saab said that “right now (and subsequent days), they are being captured by the auxiliary organs of justice, the #cómplices of those already detained linked to the 5 #conspiraciones unveiled to attack the Venezuelan State and implode citizen peace.”

He explained that the above-mentioned captures are “on the occasion of the multiple orders of #aprehensión requested by the Public Ministry @MinpublicoVEN within the framework of #investigaciones in accordance with the Constitution and the Law, #acordadas by the 2nd Court of Counter-Terrorism Control”.

The prosecutor said that “once #materializadas such arrests are made, the detainees will be #presentados before the court in the case to be #imputados for the corresponding crimes.”

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