

Saab: Carlos Rojas will be charged with association, terrorism, conspiracy and attempted assassination

Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab
Public Ministry

Published at: 16/04/2024 12:37 PM

The Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, said, this Tuesday, he offered statements about the actions taken by the Public Ministry regarding the frustrated attack on March 25 against the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, during his registration with the National Electoral Council (CNE) in Plaza Diego Ibarra in Caracas.

In this regard, he highlighted the participation of Vente Venezuela in the organization of this attack, which resulted in the arrest of “two individuals in a suspicious attitude and carrying firearms, who were just 20 meters from the presidential platform”, who were identified as: Jerry Argenis Ostos Perdomo and Carlos Eduardo Castillo, who claimed to be political activists of the aforementioned political tent and they were charged with terrorism, association, attempted assassination, incitement to hatred and illegal carrying of firearms in prohibited places.

Saab explained that, in statements offered as a protected witness and cooperator of Jerry Ostos, he detailed how he joined the structure of the Vente Venezuela party in 2023 and how the attack of March 25 was planned, so it became known that in January 2024 Carlos Julio Rojas joined the “Special Group” to execute the plan called “Until the End”, for which he would receive payment for carrying out guarimbas in the country, in addition to generating violent acts which include an attack against the head of State.

In this regard, he noted that an arrest warrant was requested from Carlos Julio Rojas, which was granted by the 2nd Control Court with jurisdiction in Terrorism, for the crimes of association, terrorism, conspiracy, incitement to commit crimes and attempted assassination. “This arrest warrant was implemented yesterday,” he added.

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