

Russia: The US has no right to bomb Yemen

Sergey Lavrov, Chancellor of Russia

Published at: 27/02/2024 04:39 PM

During a press conference, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov asserted that Moscow rejected attacks by the United States and the United Kingdom against Yemen.


“Nor can we justify the aggressive actions that, under this pretext, the United States and the United Kingdom are taking against the territory of Yemen, without having any international mandate for this,” Lavro said, while there is no justification for Yemeni Houthis who attack commercial ships.



In this regard, the head of Russian diplomacy called for ensuring the safety of international navigation in the Red Sea “through political and diplomatic means.”

According to what was published on the Sputnik website, Lavrov indicated that attacks on Yemeni territory by the West only led to the expansion of the combat zone with the corresponding consequences for civilian navigation.

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