

Routes of the ALBA-TCP 2030 Strategic Agenda are evaluated by block coordinators

Meeting of ALBA-TCP coordinators

Published at: 07/06/2024 12:29 PM

The national coordinators of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America - Peoples' Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP) participated in a working day by videoconference, in which the geopolitical situation was analyzed, as well as the routes were agreed to specify the different horizons of the ALBA 2030 Strategic Agenda, approved on April 24 in Caracas, during the XXIII Summit of Heads of States and Government of the block of mainstreaming

The executive secretary of the Latin American and Caribbean integration mechanism, Jorge Arreaza, reported that they discussed the Care and Risk Management System and towards the formation of the ALBA-TCP Development Cooperation Agency. Also about the “updated study of our economies to advance their productive and commercial complementation”.

This Strategic Agenda has five horizons: economic, political, social, cultural and communication, and includes proposals for high-impact actions in the short and medium term. In addition to being considered “an extraordinary boost”, in the process of comprehensive consolidation of ALBA-TCP in this new era.

The diplomat noted that “the unity of our peoples and governments is demonstrated by concrete actions for the well-being of all.”

The final declaration of the April meeting called for the exclusion of the island from what was called a “spurious and arbitrary unilateral list of supposedly sponsoring countries of terrorism,” drawn up by the U.S. State Department.

He denounced that this has a negative impact on all spheres of Cuban society and on the well-being of its people, “as the criminal economic war intensifies and increases difficulties” to enter into international trade, carry out financial operations and acquire basic supplies.

Mazo News Team/LATIN PRESS