

Rosinés Chávez: My generation is preparing to take the Bolivarian Revolution beyond 2030

The legacy of Hugo Chávez is standing, it is still strong, but it needs strength and hard work, said Rosinés Chávez
Presidential Press

Published at: 21/03/2024 05:25 PM

Rosinés Chávez, the youngest of the Commander's daughters during the podcast of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, stressed that her father sowed and watered deep in his being, a sense of belonging for the Fatherland.

With heartfelt words, he reiterated his admiration for meeting a man who anchored himself in the heart of an entire people and in his own as a father, as well as his commitment to taking the Bolivarian Revolution beyond 2030.

“It is a source of pride for this generation, the responsibility to assume that commitment that will not be easy, but I know that all together we will achieve a new victory for the Bolivarian Revolution in 2030,” said
Recalcó, that the legacy of Hugo Chávez is standing, is still strong, but it needs strength and hard work to continue elevating it.

He told me that Simón Bolívar is in the people, in the trees as a way to grow that seed that represents love for our country and history, but it also needs watering and that he always did, and so he built a path on his own, that gave life to a sleeping people, who were in the dark and built a homeland for her, for him and for everyone,” he said.

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