

Rodríguez: The coup d'etat attempted by extremists against the National President is cybernetic

Until a few days ago, “they have only registered 9,468 alleged acts of 30 thousand 26"

Published at: 05/08/2024 10:09 PM

This Monday, August 5, the president of the National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, argued that the coup d'etat attempted by the extremist right, against the Head of State, Nicolás Maduro, “is cybernetic, so that society is threatened by fascism and the conjugation of social networks.”

“If the 2002 coup d'etat” was orchestrated “by traditional media, on television, the alcutions already recorded by the felon soldiers, this time, the entire coup d'etat took place on social networks,” he said.

Referring to the alleged acts of the extremist right, he specified that “what they recorded in the first instance, until a few days ago, were 9,468 alleged acts of 30 thousand 26 acts”.

Regarding the page, which is used as an alibi by that opposition sector, he indicated that “on July 27, 2024, Urrutia or his fascists rented that repository to place that page where they were going to place all their lies. Once again the society of the spectacle”.

Rodríguez argued that many of these supposed minutes, “actually papers”, were drawn up abroad, not in Venezuela, and he even pointed out that the table where the President of the Republic votes does not appear, “you and the people who vote at the table where you are don't exist, where the First Combatant votes, you don't appear either. She's also virtual.”

He also reported that the papers published on the aforementioned website, most “do not show the signature of the operator of the machine or the members of the board”.

In this regard, Rodríguez explained that “it is very important to know that the minutes are signed on the voting machine, they are not signed on paper, they are signed on the screen of the machine.”

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