

Rodríguez: Public finance and fiscal responsibility grew 78% compared to 2023

Delcy Rodríguez, Executive Vice President of Venezuela

Published at: 08/05/2024 12:49 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, during her speech at the seventh edition of Retail Radiography 2024 Reinventing to Succeed, highlighted the strengthening of public finances and fiscal responsibility during the last four months of the year.

In this regard, he pointed out that during the first four months of the year the increase was 78% compared to 2023, “this is good news because this money that comes in goes to social investment and this investment has a great impact on national consumption.”

Along these lines, Rodríguez referred to the commitment of the Bolivarian Government to the retired sector, while explaining that the “contribution of pensioners comes from the National Government, of 14 only 1 is covered by private companies,” he added.

He took the opportunity to applaud the approval of the Pension Protection Act, “at a time of blockade, at a juncture (...) we know what the blockade is, not only do we know it, we suffer it, we suffer from it”.

With regard to the business sector, he indicated that “despite the criminal blockade of extremist sectors (...) there is a sector that moves in a dynamic of development, of thinking about the future for future generations”.

In addition, he reiterated that “sanctions are not against the rulers; sanctions are against everyone, without any kind of distinction, that has been demonstrated. We thank the name of the President of the Republic for the great effort that you, like Venezuela, are making in favor of the economic sector, in favor of trade, guaranteeing growth.”

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