

Rodríguez: Diversification is the key factor in the growth of the new economic model

“That was the fundamental task, to which you called the entire country, President,” Rodríguez recalled

Published at: 07/02/2024 05:41 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, asserted that the diversification of the new economic model is the central element that has allowed Venezuela to accumulate 10 consecutive quarters of growth.

“That was the fundamental task, to which you called the entire country, President,” he recalled.

During his participation in the seventh episode of the Maduro Podcast, hosted by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, Rodríguez specified that in addition to diversification, “our possibilities of earning in foreign exchange” have also been important.

“If the economic war demonstrated anything to us, it was our dependence on oil, and you said: 'Venezuela has great potential, as in fact we have them',” he stressed.

In this regard, he highlighted the creation by the head of state, such as the Economic Engines and the Bolivarian Economic Agenda, “to diversify the economy and that has allowed us, together with the oil industry, which we have also recovered it with our own efforts, to add and add up.”

“This has been one of the consensuses at the national level and in union, all the productive sectors dedicated to the objective. Really an impressive thing,” he said.

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