

Robinson Mission: Light of Knowledge in every corner of the Homeland (+anniversary)

The Robinson Mission “I Can Do” is inspired by the great teacher Simón Rodríguez, for his fight for free and quality education

Published at: 01/07/2024 08:07 AM

On June 1, 2003, Commander Hugo Chávez created the Robinson Mission, an educational program aimed at making those Venezuelans excluded by the Fourth Republic literate.

Mission Robinson, a special literacy plan, began. Objective? To fill those one and a half million compatriots with lights as a result of the oblivion of many years, there was no government for them,” said Commander Chávez.

The Robinson Mission “I Can Do” is inspired by the great teacher Simón Rodríguez, for his fight for free and quality education.

At least 1 million 484,543 Venezuelans are literate thanks to the Robinson Mission, the first social mission created by the Venezuelan Government with the support of Cuba, and with which the country achieved one of the objectives of the United Nations (UN) for this millennium in the field of education.

Mazo News Team