

Road accidents decreased by 33% during Safe Holy Week 2024

The Good Government that continues to work to protect, defend and serve our people

Published at: 01/04/2024 10:51 PM

The Sectorial Vice President for Citizen Security and Peace, AJ. Remigio Ceballos Ichaso, highlighted the 33% decrease in road accidents in the national territory during the holidays of the major week.

“We carried out 4,500 transfers of people in ambulances, 1,536 road assistance and more than 6,000 medical assistance immediately (...) As well as the rescue of 29 people in emergencies and the rescue of three citizens by immersion during the device,” said the Chief Admiral.

“We congratulate the efforts and dedication of the civil servants during this vacation, who were present on the country's 18 trunk roads and main roads, which allowed for this significant reduction of 33% in road accidents. The Good Government that continues to work to protect, defend and serve our people,” he said.

He also noted the development of more than 4,000 preventive activities directly with the country's communities, by members of the Preventive Front of the Ministry of People's Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace.

Finally, Ceballos Ichaso, highlighted that more than 8 million private vehicles were transported in the main trunks of the national territory.

Mazo News Team