

Risk Management System monitors coastal strip after presence of trough and sea in the background

SNGR detected long and continuous waves like Bottom Sea

Published at: 09/02/2024 05:27 PM

The Deputy Minister for Risk Management and Civil Protection, M/G Carlos Pérez Am, reported that as a result of the flood that has been advancing through the national territory since last Tuesday, the National Risk Management System (SNGR), detected long and continuous waves like Bottom Sea, which have occurred with varying intensity in some areas of the country's coastal strip.

“This situation has occurred with greater intensity in the Edo. Sucre, affecting fishing industry vessels, anchored and docked, as well as the port infrastructure of some docks,” he explained in his account on the social network X.

In the same way, the Deputy Minister of Risk Management and Civil Protection explained that the same situation has been reported in the states of La Guaira and Falcón, unaffected with a tendency to normalize.

In this regard, the MG, Pérez Am, stressed that SNGR officials maintain constant monitoring in these areas of the country; for this reason, it is recommended that the coastal population take precautions for the departure of small boats, as well as for seasonal workers to take preventive measures on the different beaches of the country's coastal area.

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