

Responding to reports from the 1x10, HIDROCENTRO activated a water well in the Aragueño municipality of Girardot

Works for the community
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 04/06/2024 10:29 PM

In response to water reports from the inhabitants of the Las Delicias parish in the Girardot municipality of the state of Aragua, through the 1x10 platform of Good Government, two underground sources of drinking water were activated.

The first well generates 20 liters per second, while well number two produces 14 liters, which adds up to 34 liters between the two sources to benefit 600 families that live in this location.According to statements by the president of Hydrology Center ( HIDRCENTRO), Leonel Ruiz, a 50 hp engine and a 460 volt pump were installed for the operation of the first water source.

In addition, according to a note from the Ministry of Popular Power for Water Care, the work also included the adaptation of the control panel and force, as well as the maintenance of the well facilities. “The line given to us by President Nicolás Maduro is to continue to bring that necessary and effective response to every corner of the community, framed in the reports that were generated in the 1×10 of Good Governance,” said Ruiz.

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