

Rehabilitation work is progressing at the Juan Ledezma school in Guárico through BRICOMILES

The entity's Secretary of Public Works, Sergio Rodríguez, explained that the work has reached more than 87% progress

Published at: 29/05/2024 09:23 AM

The rehabilitation work of the Juan Ledezma Educational Center, located in the Carutal sector, Francisco de Miranda municipality, Guárico state, is progressing through the Military Community Brigades for Education and Health (BRICOMILES), as reported by the governor of the entity, José Vásquez.

In this regard, the entity's Secretary of Public Works, Sergio Rodríguez, explained that the work has reached more than 87% progress, in which work has been carried out to replace the roofs, renovate the walls and the construction of a multipurpose sports court.

“The students of the Juan Ledezma High School are grateful for the work being carried out by the Bolivarian Government,” said Saray Barrios, a student at the school.

According to what was published on the SIBCI web portal, 12 schools have recovered in the state through BRICOMILES.

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