

Regional Government advances construction of eastern terminal in Aragua

Work is progressing in the capital of the central-western state
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 21/03/2024 06:18 PM

As part of the plan to reorganize public transport in the capital of the state of Aragua, the Bolivarian Government announced the construction of the new terminal in the east, which will be enabled in the area of San Jacinto in the state's capital city.

This is a project that will facilitate the organized mobilization of users and transporters inside and outside the municipality. In the first phase of construction, there is the scarification of pavement, excavations for foundations (column bases), level taking with a surveyor and corrections of drainage channels.

This land port will have an area for loading and unloading passengers, waiting platforms with rest area, bus parking area, as well as commercial spaces, ticket offices for buying and selling tickets, communication centers and an administrative building.

The works are carried out by regional and local government workers and have the support of the Minister of Transportation, Ramón Velásquez Araguayán.

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