

Rector Elvis Amoroso: CNE received the registration of 11 citizens for the presidential election

Statements given this Monday night
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 25/03/2024 09:51 PM

The chief rector of the National Electoral Council (CNE), Elvis Amoroso, reported that a few hours before the deadline for the registration of candidates for the presidential election on July 28, 11 citizens formalized their application.

“There are 11 candidates who have registered in compliance with all the legal and constitutional regulations established by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for many years, since it has had legal regulations for electoral processes. Everyone who wanted to be a candidate, the political organization has presented the requirements that correspond to the CNE to review,” he said.

Those registered are: Nicolás Maduro Moros, nominated for the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and the Great Patriotic Pole Simon Bolivar (GPPS); Antonio Ecarri, was nominated by the Pencil Alliance and Progressive Advanced parties. Daniel Ceballos, was nominated by his AREPA party and also with the card of the Popular Will (VP) party.

Luis Eduardo Martínez was nominated by Democratic Action (AD), the Republican Movement (MR) and Red Flag (BR). Juan Carlos Alvarado was nominated by the COPEI party. Claudio Fermín, was nominated by the Solutions Party. Benjamin Rauseo was nominated by his National Democratic Confederation (CONDE) party. Javier Bertucci, was nominated by the El Cambio party. José Brito, was nominated by the parties Primero Venezuela, Venezuela Unida and Unidad Visión Venezuela. Luis Ratti, was nominated by the Popular Democratic Right party.

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