

Read and share! Bulletin No. 254 of the CICPC a Day is now available

CICPC Bulletin
CICPC photo

Published at: 14/04/2024 10:41 AM

This Sunday, April 14, CICPC Bulletin No. 254 per Day is now available, which this time highlights the inauguration of the spaces of the Division for Investigations of Crimes against Women, Children and Adolescents, with the purpose of strengthening their frontal work to eradicate crime against vulnerable people.

In addition, this edition includes the cases of the murder of Major Luis López, which occurred in Los Naranjos; and of the citizen Julieth Hernández, which occurred in Falcón, which were clarified thanks to the work of the officials of the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigations Corps.

Below we share the CICPC Bulletin No. 254 of the Day:

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