

Rafael Correa described lawfare against him as a new show (+Metastasis Case)

Rafael Correa, former president of Ecuador

Published at: 02/02/2024 10:46 AM

The former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, described as a “show” the new claims of Attorney Diana Salazar, who is trying to involve him in the so-called Metastasis Case of the late drug trafficker Leandro Norero.

“So I'm preparing the narrative to get involved in the Norero Case because they supposedly name me in a chat. I don't know that man, I found out about his existence because of the photo they took of him some years ago,” said Correa, while stating “that he is a new scoundrel in that Metastasis Case because it's a show,” he said.

In addition, he questioned the Government of Ecuador's fight against drug trafficking because none of those involved are imprisoned in this investigation.

“In Ecuador there is no rule of law, our justice system is ranked among the worst in the world and we are the laughing stock of the planet in this regard,” he concluded.

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