

Pueblo commemorates 4 years since the defeat of Operation Gideon in a civic-military-police union

Today's event was filled with great patriotism and love for the Fatherland
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Published at: 03/05/2024 09:56 AM

This Friday, May 03, authorities of the National Government and the People of Venezuela in a civic-military-police union held an event to commemorate four years since the defeat of Operation Gideon, thanks to the launch of Operation Black First.

In this sense, since the ceremony in the state of La Guaira, the mayor of the Vargas municipality, José Manuel Suárez, said that “Operation Black First was a successful operation, which today teaches us lessons with those men of the Fatherland, the military, the police, the people in a civic-military-police union, they gave us a great example of struggle, work and courage.”

He also emphasized that today's event was filled with great patriotism and love for the Fatherland. “Every May 3rd we have to be present here to teach future generations that we must follow the example of those great men, who defended the Homeland, its integrity and its sovereignty,” he said.

“Today we must applaud the Armed Forces, which is patriotic, Chavista and revolutionary, which in its sentiment and in its heart is to serve the Fatherland, it is to be worthy and useful to the Fatherland,” he emphasized.

He recalled that Operation Gideon was led by the Homeland Vendors and lackeys of imperialism. “They are Judas who want to sell our beloved Homeland for 30 silver coins and those Judas are still trying to go out there to sell our Homeland, but here they find a people united more than ever that will defend our Homeland at the hands of President Nicolás Maduro,” he said.

At the same time, with regard to the next elections in the country, he stressed that this right wing is only betting “on looting, invasions, guarimba, violence, coup d'etat and assassination plans to come to power, they are not betting on democracy”.

He stressed that while the opposition continues on this path, the revolutionary forces are preparing to win a new victory on July 28. “Our Venezuelan people are going to elect President Nicolás Maduro, because he is the one who has been with the people,” he said.

For his part, General Guarnier Vivas stressed that this date is to remember the actions of the uniformed People in police, the Armed Forces, the militia and the people themselves defending the Homeland against the imperialist onslaught that sought to undermine the sovereignty of Venezuela.

“Today we tell that world, to those imperialists who intend to place their boots within our territory, that here there is an organized people, structured for the integral defense (...) of the Revolution (...) here we are kneeling on the ground, willing to give our lives for the Fatherland and more united with ever,” he said.

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