

Pueblo Alert! Learn about the plans of La Sayo and a group of bankers in the face of the imminent defeat of 28J

La Sayo already gets Inmundo on his nerves
Photo: Internet

Published at: 10/07/2024 10:32 PM

Dairy July 10, 2024

Patriota del Valle Arriba Country

Hello Gordooooooooooo! Helllloouuuuu! Chubby of my heart I'm in Anzoátegui, with Cori and my uncle Inmundo, but I escaped to my beach house here in the villas, that is, Diosdi! , understand, I need to relax, the closer the election Cori gets, the more unbearable it gets.

Before I talk to you about ugly things, I'll tell you that now he did give me the potato! , I was dead in love when I saw you in Cumanacoa with people, attending to them, listening to them, and then accompanying Nico Maduro. The truth is my super gordis! that, although Cori insisted on turning up the volume on the dirty campaign where we had to say that people were not being served in Cumanacoa, I refused, because it's unfair to lie like that when it comes to people.

My mango compote, I tell you that this thing here in Anzoátegui has been weak and ugly, that is, we had to do magic to show something people. I had to pay instead of 25 dollars per bike, I had to offer 45 dollars to see if they would cheer up. As always, catfights can't be missed to see who gets on the stage or who doesn't get on the stage, who touches the candidate or not.

My uncle Inmundo came today with his medicine chest, his hip pain is becoming more intense. Speaking of my uncle Inmundo, on the day of the Caracas event, on July 4th, I thought we were going to lose him, apparently no camera could capture it when he was riding the truck, that was so traumatic that it bothered me a lot with Cori, it's not fair to subject my uncle Inmundo to these trots, damn it! , for this reason, disagreements with my uncle's wife and his daughters are increasing.

Another thing that really upset my Uncle Inmundo and his closest friends was the photo that Cori sent me to put on the Backing of the truck where they took that July 4th tour. God, I told Cori that she looked very ugly to put the picture of her carrying the banner of my Uncle Uncle Inmundo, I suggested that we put a picture where both of them looked normal, but she didn't listen to me, the truth went away.

My sour tamarind candy, Cori's ego is at its peak. The other day I accompanied her to smoke a cigarette and she told me with great joy that she was happy to have ended G4 and to have knelt to the MUD because at the time they despised her. Cori, with her diabolical laugh, told me in a very mocking tone how it was that she entangled all these politicians with her fixed primary. Cori is delighted to have passed over Barboza, Aveledo and is pleased to tell how he took Manuel Rosales out of the game and how he is lynching Garrido, the governor of Barinas, in the media. Diosdi, Cori is not fighting for a political process, María Corina is living out her plan of revenge against the same opposition.

Diosdado José, listen to me! The SÚMATE team and Cori's advisors insist on selling the thesis that they have already won, so they are working on two tasks. The first task is to promote the narrative where Cori offers a supposed amnesty and guarantees to Nico Maduro; the second task is to tell all political teams and public opinion that they have 6 million 780 votes. The truth is that this strategy is more false than Delsa Solórzano.

When Cori talks about giving Nico Maduro an exit guarantee, he is talking to the international community because nobody here believes him. Cori wants to tell the international community that she is so sure of the triumph she is capable of offering even the impossible. Now, we all know that even if Cori is born again, he will love no Chavista and, by the way, if these are guarantees, shouldn't the candidate say that, well! , my uncle the Unclean and not her?

But the story doesn't end here. There are people from the MUD who are not very convinced of this triumphalist strategy, for example, a man from the MUD Anzoátegui who represents the Popular Will party, told a friend of mine, that it's time to walk on the ground because the numbers don't work and that Nicolás Maduro would be beating my Uncle Uncle by 700,000 votes, I mean baby! , if they say 700,000 it's because the difference is more than a million.

God diiiiiiii! Don't be wicked, we still haven't completed the electoral roll, why don't you help us? Lend Cori some comrades from the PSUV to put them in the commandos, in the 600k NETWORK and in our staff of witnesses, don't be mean, you have plenty of people, not us.

Dear José, this is the moment where I become toxic. Since 2018, and perhaps before, it was in that year that the possibility of creating a National Liberation Movement led by financial groups that fled the country after stealing from the people gained strength, understanding that in a Chavista government they would not be untouchable as in the Fourth Republic.

The idea of creating a National Liberation Movement stems from some bankers and businessmen who called on Cori to be the visible face of that movement once paramilitary and/or private mercenary elements were introduced into the national territory that would overthrow Nico Maduro. In 2018, this plan came to a standstill because the idea of the so-called “interim government” came in, but the idea has always been present in these groups of money and power for whom Chavism and the revolution are a hindrance that they must eliminate at any price.

Diosdado, that's what I'm afraid of. I can play politics, get in here and there, I can tell Cori's stories, but we're talking about bigger words and I don't want to spend my days in a cell without my branded wallets, without my champagne and my Serrano ham. You must keep an eye on this so-called National Liberation Movement that Cori and his allies are talking about. For now it seems like something very incipient or even a motto, but it's not, trust what I tell you.

The epicenter of this plan is the city of Miami, but at the time, meetings have been held mainly in Buenos Aires, the Dominican Republic, Panama and Madrid. Two very heavy bankers, who want to return to Venezuela for their own business, are the main ideologues.

Pending, my sardine hottie, something is moving in Madrid, many trips and meetings involving Miguel Enrique Otero, the owner of Dólar Today, the owner of EVTV Miami, and other media, they say that they are meeting to prepare for the transition, that they are meeting with former soldiers and former Chavistas, pending.

I don't want to say goodbye without you sending a hello to Delsa Jenifer, tell her that her properties in the United States are well guarded by her brother, who doesn't bear her last name. Information about your purchases at luxury stores and much more is starting to arrive. His own team, whom he has fired and mistreated in recent months, sought me out at the golf club to sell it, never humiliate the people who serve you. There are also audios where she expresses herself very badly about María Corina and where she prohibits them from using, to all members of Encuentro Ciudadano, the phrase “Until the End! Delsa is so afraid and distrustful of her own people, because she knows that she has diverted money from her organization to live in luxury, which she now writes in the chat of her national address and deletes, so I asked them to put you in that WhatsApp group, so that you can read everything.

Well God, I already have champagne in my head.

I write to you and I feel like in the movie Lady and the Wanderer, I'm a princess and you're a crab. Miss me, remember that you are my baby Fiufiu.

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