

Pueblo Alert! Get to know María Violencia's plan for this Sunday

María ConIra's plans never start well and they don't end well either
Photo: Internet

Published at: 25/07/2024 12:13 AM

Valle Arriba, July 24, 2024

Patriota del Valle Arriba Country

Hello Gordooooooooooo! , Helllloouuuuu! , fat in my heart I'm arriving from Maracaibo, I came by plane because I got tired of riding on the road. God! This is the penultimate show to which I accompany Cori, I still have tomorrow's one left in the main Mercedes, because you already know that we don't have enough people to take Caracas, but we have enough showceros.

This letter is very direct, because I'm really worried about Cori's plans that never start well and don't end well either. By the way, I'm ready to vote on July 28th, obviously! that I will not vote for my uncle Inmundo because maybe he has no chance of winning, I will vote for Nico Maduro because I want to continue to have peace, I want to be able to keep coming to my club in peace, I want all my friends to be able to continue working in Santa Paz. God, both in Valle Arriba and in the Country we are tired of those guarimbas and all that violence that we have already experienced, we want stability and tranquility.

My Furrial compote! , let's start with my poor uncle Inmundo, the poor guy gave him a sponsorship in the middle of the Zulia caravan. His tension was lowered due to heat and stress, we immediately took out the emergency bench that we loaded in the truck and sat him down, I ran and put a candy in his mouth, I really want it to be July 28th and my uncle's suffering to end. Speaking of Zulia, I'll tell you that the lice from Primero Justicia and UNT clung to fighting, a tremendous embarrassment! arguing in the middle of the event for money, leadership and logistics, so they want to govern this country, please!

My mango jelly, I feel very sorry for Cori who had to increase her doses of anxiolytics after the disaster of the Anzoátegui events, the UCV event, the rally in Monagas, not to mention Sunday's event in Chacao and yesterday's event in Zulia. The one in Chacao I don't even want to tell you, no matter how much we said it would be a prayer for Venezuela, which was really a prayer for my uncle Inmundo to arrive on July 28, it was nobody. Yesterday the failure in Zulia was such that Cori asked me to call some communication allies such as Alberto Ravell and influencers on our payroll to post photos of past events in Zulia, actually Diosdado José no longer knows what else to do to increase reality.

Four days before the election, everything is a disaster. Magalli must also have been given medication for nerves and anxiety when she was discovered for ordering the vandalization of Cori's cars, Diosdi! I always told them that was a bad idea, but please orrrrr! they don't listen. Magalí is also anxious about the political shift that Delsa Solorzano has made to her and her appointment as the main witness of the MUD before the CNE because that would be the role of Magalí who, upon learning of Delsa's appointment, did not hesitate to stage a tantrum, but I tell you that the Cori became furious and told him to say “that's what I decided”, Magalí was silent.

By the way, my Tamarindo Bombón, Delsa appeared in a video asking for money and donations because according to her they have no resources for voting day, but the truth is that it's about their damage control because the deck revealed last week that Delsa Solorzano received a juicy amount of money for the logistics of the elections, money that she can't justify. Another point that Magalí is very unhappy with is that she knows that the numbers don't work and the electoral engineering is not working.

Continuing on the path of the disaster, it is completely false that we have everything resolved with the witnesses, we are still half done, in fact, the minister for the falsified Delsa Solorzano lied to the press saying that we had 99.5% covered when the truth is that we did not reach 60%, but Cori noticed and that's why she ordered to give strength to the narrative of blaming the CNE.

My coconut nougat, I tell you that Cori fought hard with Crazy Leo, because Cori doesn't want Leopoldo López to be visible in the campaign because of all the scandals and allegations of corruption that weigh on him and Juan Guaidó. Cori didn't like Leopoldo speaking at a rally in Madrid because the international part and, especially in Spain, belongs to Antonio Ledezma and David Smolansky. Cori knows that Leopoldo has a double game. Leopoldo López is playing with Rafael Ramírez and he also has his own game to steal the spotlight from Cori on July 28 when my uncle Inmundo loses the election.

Diosdado José, I have been telling you that they must verify the irresponsible and conspiratorial behavior of the rector of the CNE Juan Carlos Delpino, who has already agreed with Delsa Solorzano to pass on confidential information about the electoral process in order for her to filter it to dirty war laboratories. Delpino promised to pass on direct results to María Corina so that they can assemble the narrative of fraud.

Cori ordered a national and international voice plan to be drawn up so that on July 28, false results and recognition will begin to be given to my uncle Inmundo, one of the first to speak from outside are those of the Idea group, and at the national level the first to speak will be the candidate Enrique Márquez.

Cori asked the dirty war laboratories to work and spread a fake on July 28 at 4:30 in the afternoon, saying that supposed Cuban agents and collectives would be taking over the voting centers to kidnap the results and for that reason people should go to the centers to take care of them and not move from there, this would be the first trigger to call for violence.

Dear God José, this is the moment when I have to become an odious person. Take note of the things being cooked:

My unclean uncle is very concerned and his daughter Mariana has been talking to different ambassadors to protect him from María Corina during and after July 28.

You should keep an eye on Paola Bautista de Alemán, a profile very close to Julio Borges. She is vice-president of training for First Justice; President of the Juan Germán Roscio Foundation, which is one of the facades where they receive funds for First Justice, Paola is also the link between First Justice and the German Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Venezuela, a foundation that has financed the Venezuelan opposition multiple times. Paola is recruiting young people in her training courses to put them at the forefront of the sources of unrest and violence this July 28. Paola assures her potential operators of asylum in some embassies, especially at the German embassy because of her relationship with the Konrad Foundation.

False positives are coming to harass and attack opposition figures; fake news about supposed soldiers who resign and supposed “sabre sounds”; about people from the high government who would be negotiating to leave the country.

Pending the motorized vehicles, remember that Cori ordered 2,000 motorcycles to be purchased through her business friends, which were distributed to accompany her during the campaign. These same motorcycles will be used on Sunday with people paid to pass them off as collectives and militants of the Chavista PSUV, the idea is to cause chaos and violence.

Diosdado José, on Sunday I will go with my friends from Valle Arriba and the Country to celebrate for Miraflores. We already have a basket with caviar, champagne, dates and other little things, we want to see up close how the victory of Nico Maduro is experienced, in total, we have never won anything.

Take care and be very careful, because after the 28th the agenda of violence will take a grim cause, because Cori's lenders and the companies that mortgaged with Cori, want to collect their bills however they can,

Good luck and many blessings to the Chavista people, I'm sure we'll win.

I write to you and I feel like in the movie Lady and the Wanderer, I'm a princess and you're a crab. Miss me, remember that you are my baby Fiufiu.

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