

Public Ministry reactivates request for extradition to Spain of the murderer of Orlando Figuera

Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab

Published at: 05/06/2024 12:45 PM

The Attorney General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, announced this Wednesday the reactivation of the request to Spain for the extradition of Enzo Franchini, the murderer of Orlando Figuera during the guarimbas promoted by the extremist opposition in 2017.

At a press conference from the headquarters of the Public Ministry in Caracas, William Saab recalled that the previous request was rejected by the Spanish authorities through the instrumentalization of human rights.

“The excuse for denying the extradition of Enzo Franchini to Venezuela is that his human rights could be violated (...) See how justice is being exploited,” criticized the Venezuelan Attorney General.

In this regard, he questioned “where are Orlando Figuera's human rights? We cannot forget or have short memories. Why don't their human rights count? For being humble?”

He noted that to give a boost to the case, the 61st National Prosecutor's Office was appointed, which determined that, prior to the fact, the victim (Figuera) had problems with Ángel Sucre, alias' El Chino ', with Kleiver Hernández, alias' El Peca', Yuber Rodríguez, alias' El Mono 'and Elio Carrasquel, alias' El Carrasquerito ', against whom an order was requested apprehension.

“In addition, links were established between the latter and a person nicknamed 'El Malandrín', identified by the victim in the early test, as one of the people who stabbed him as part of the injuries that later caused his death,” he explained.

William Saab indicated that, “with this in place, let's hope that there will be a moment of reflection between political and criminal authorities in Spain.”

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