

PSUV link in Bolivar: This process materializes Commander Chávez's dream: Comuna o Nada!

National Popular Consultation 2024
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 21/04/2024 02:10 PM

From the Situational Room of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) in Bolívar state, the PSUV Liaison, Alexis Rodríguez, emphasized the importance of participating in the National Popular Consultation, where the most relevant projects for the community are decided.

Rodríguez highlighted the orderly and controlled work they are doing in the room, together with the youth of the PSUV, Nancy Asensio, in charge of witness control; Yaritza Aray responsible for the mobilization and Gabriel Franco, in charge of the room.

The PSUV Liaison stressed that this process materializes Commander Chávez's dream, “Commune or Nothing”, the people are empowering themselves from Popular Power.

“Right now we are witnessing how the people take control of their destiny, actively participating in decision-making that will impact their own community,” said Rodríguez, Prensa PSUV Bolívar reviews.

The April 21 consultation represents a milestone in participatory democracy, where every citizen has the opportunity to express their opinion and contribute to the development of their environment.

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