

Prosecutor Tarek William Saab led debate on the Animal Protection Act

The debate is part of the public consultation carried out by the AN throughout the country

Published at: 16/03/2024 05:21 PM

The Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, reported that this Saturday, March 16, he led an important meeting together with representatives of several institutions of the Bolivarian Government, with the purpose of debating the Animal Protection Act, an initiative that is part of the public consultation carried out by the National Assembly (AN) throughout the country.

Through his account on the social network X, Saab noted that the meeting took place at the headquarters of the Public Ministry (MP), where “we held an excellent working meeting as part of the #ConsultaPública to approve the #LEY of protection #Animal in the second discussion”.

“This in conjunction with the Second Vice President of @Asamblea_Ven América Pérez and various national organizations that maintain public policies in defense of our fauna and environment,” he said.

The day was also attended by the president of the National Park Institute (INPARQUES), Rosa Inés Chávez; the president of the Nevado Mission, Maigualida Vargas and other national organizations that defend our fauna and environment.

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